Six proven tips to ace a tough college class

Jia Li
3 min readMar 29, 2021

College can be hard enough, with the pressures of maintaining a decent GPA, finding an internship, and of course, keeping up your social life. The last thing you need is a challenging college class. But wouldn’t it be great if there was a way to make those challenging classes that much easier? Well, there is.

The tips below will help you ace that class that you thought was impossible to get through. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even manage to get all A’s.

1. Form a group discussion with fellow students

This helps in a way that’s in the group discussion. Some of the students have points that others don’t, and with that, they can contribute, making it easier for each one of them to understand. Group discussion also helps students to engage and share their points this way; they get to connect.

2. Highlight What You Already Know

Some classes are tricky because you don’t have a good grasp of the material. If you already know something about the topic, try and find a way to show that in your paper. For example, say you are taking a history class in which you already have some knowledge. During the time of the Civil War, many people owned slaves. That fact is a given. You don’t need to include it because it’s obvious. Instead, try and find an exciting way to show that in your paper. Instead of saying, “Many people owned slaves during that time,” write a sentence like this: “Many soldiers in the Confederate Army owned slaves, and some historians say it was their motivation for fighting in the war.” This way, you show that you not only know that owning slaves was every day in that period but that you also have an interest in the topic.

3. Going through past papers

Going through past papers gives students hints on what’s mostly being set in the test papers, thus making them major on the targeted topics. Past papers also help students know the areas they haven’t understood and focus on the areas while revising.

4. Taking main points during classes

The professor’s pace can sometimes be hard to catch up, so the only way to understand a class is to write main points that make it easier for students to know what to research during their revision.

5. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

Whether you’re in a lecture hall or taking online courses, class discussion boards can be a great way to get peer support. Your fellow students might even have easy-to-implement suggestions that will help you earn better grades. Review the course syllabus and search for a forum where students can post questions and answers related to what you’re going through. Then take a look at the responses others have written — but don’t just read them; participate! Post your question and wait for the answers to come in. You can also seek the help of an online tutor. The point is: feel free to reach out there are lots of knowledgeable people out there who you can find quite resourceful!

6. Create time to go through what you learnt in class

When students reread what they have been taught, they get a deep understanding of what they have been learning in class; even if it’s hard, they’ll have content.

College is a challenging time in many students’ lives. It’s also a time where you can put your hard work and dedication to good use. The above some of the things you can do to take your schoolwork from good to great and one of them is that you should start studying well before the class start.



Jia Li

Hello Fans! My name is Jia Li. I am a representative for Tutors Nest. We focus on college students study help tips a Show us love :)